Loan Apps

How To Prevent Any Loan Apps From Calling Your Contact And Disgracing You

How To Prevent Any Loan Apps From Calling Your Contact And Disgracing You

The existence of online lending platforms has undoubtedly eased financial constraints for many Nigerians. 

These platforms offer quick and convenient access to much-needed funds. However, for some, the experience has been nothing short of a nightmare. Harassment, threats, and the fear of public disgrace have become unfortunate consequences of borrowing from certain digital lenders.

In this article, you will explore how to prevent any loan apps from calling your contact and disgracing you.

 We will also discuss the importance of seeking legal assistance when faced with harassment and provide advice on handling meetings with loan app representatives. 

Although, the best way to avoid these issues altogether is to consider alternative sources of financing; however, if you have already taken a loan from any harassing app, this article is here to guide you on what you can do. 

Without much Ado, let’s go explore how to prevent any loan apps from calling your contact and disgracing you.

How To Prevent Any Loan Apps From Calling Your Contact And Disgracing You

How To Prevent Any Loan Apps From Calling Your Contact And Disgracing You
How To Prevent Any Loan Apps From Calling Your Contact And Disgracing You

Here’s everything you need to know about how to prevent any loan apps from calling your contact and disgracing you:

Stay Calm

When loan apps resort to harassment, they often send intimidating messages and try to provoke borrowers. 

It’s crucial to remain calm in the face of such pressure. 

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Losing your temper gives these lenders the upper hand and can lead to more harassment. 

Instead, stand your ground and maintain your calmness. 

By not reacting emotionally, you make it difficult for them to manipulate you further.

Report to Authorities and Seek Legal Advice

Reporting harassment by loan apps to the relevant authorities is a vital step in protecting yourself. 

While it’s true that not everyone may have access to legal counsel, seeking legal advice can significantly reduce the harassment you face. 

Legal practitioners can assist in various ways, such as obtaining court orders to stop loan app harassment. 

Read: How can I Stop Borrowing Money From Useless Loan Apps?

Reporting these incidents can also deter many lenders from continuing their illegal practices.

Conduct Meetings in Public Spaces

If you are required to meet with representatives from the loan app, ensure that these meetings take place in public spaces. 

Never agree to meet in unfamiliar or secretive locations. 

Opt for a meeting place you are well-acquainted with, and if possible, bring along a trusted friend or family member. 

To safeguard your interests, consider recording the conversation discreetly. 

A better option is investing in a small spy camera that may provide valuable evidence and prevent manipulation.

The Best Way to Avoid Loan Sharks: Don’t Borrow from Them

While these steps can help mitigate the risks associated with loan apps, the most effective way to avoid harassment and potential disgrace is by not borrowing from such sources in the first place. 

Seek alternative means of financing, such as microfinance banks or recognized financial institutions. 

These institutions operate within legal boundaries and offer more transparent lending practices.

FAQs On How To Prevent Any Loan Apps From Calling Your Contact And Disgracing You

Here are some frequently asked questions on How To Prevent Any Loan Apps From Calling Your Contact And Disgracing You with answers:

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How do I stop a loan app from accessing my contacts?

To prevent a loan app from accessing your contacts, follow these steps:

Check App Permissions: Go to your phone’s settings and review the permissions granted to the loan app. Disable access to your contacts within the app’s settings.

Revoke Permissions: If the app already has access, you can revoke it. 

Go to your phone’s settings, find the app in the list of installed apps, and manually revoke the contacts permission.

Use a Privacy App: Consider using a privacy app or feature on your phone that allows you to control and manage app permissions more effectively.

How do I protect my data from loan apps?

To protect your data from loan apps, follow these tips:

Read Privacy Policies: Always read the privacy policies of loan apps before using them. 

Look for how they handle your data and whether they share it with third parties.

Limit Permissions: Only grant necessary permissions to the app. 

For example, if a loan app doesn’t need access to your camera or location, deny those permissions.

Use a Virtual Number: Consider using a virtual phone number or a secondary email address when registering with loan apps to minimize personal data exposure.

Regularly Review Permissions: Periodically review and update app permissions on your device to ensure they align with your preferences.

Install Antivirus Software: Use reputable antivirus or mobile security software to detect and block any potential threats or data breaches.

How does a loan app access your contacts?

Loan apps usually request access to your contacts during the registration or application process. 

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They may do this to verify your identity or assess your creditworthiness by analyzing your social network. 

However, granting access is usually optional, and you can choose to deny this permission.

How to stop loan shark harassment?

To stop loan shark harassment, consider the following steps:

Maintain Composure: Stay calm and composed in your interactions with loan sharks. Do not let anger or fear influence your decisions.

Report to Authorities: Report harassment to the relevant law enforcement agencies and provide them with any evidence you have.

Seek Legal Assistance: Consult with a lawyer who can guide you on legal actions to take, such as obtaining a court order to stop harassment.

Meet in Public: If you must meet with loan sharks, do so in public spaces where there are witnesses. 

Bring a trusted friend or family member with you.

Record Conversations: If possible, discreetly record conversations with loan sharks to have evidence of their actions.

Avoid Borrowing from Loan Sharks: The best way to prevent harassment is to avoid borrowing from illegal or unregulated lenders in the first place.

Can a loan app access my contacts after uninstalling?

No, once you uninstall a loan app, it should no longer have access to your contacts. 

However, it’s a good practice to review and manage app permissions regularly on your device to ensure your privacy.

Does Fairmoney call your contacts?

No, Fairmoney usually does not call your contacts. 

Instead, they may contact the borrower directly regarding loan-related matters. Always review the specific terms and conditions of Fairmoney or any other loan app you use to understand their communication practices and privacy policies.

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