How Much Can You Really Make As A YouTuber in Nigeria? – How To Make Money on Youtube
How Much Can You Really Make As A YouTuber in Nigeria? – How To Make Money on Youtube-Do you feel comfortable when standing in front of a camera, or do feel comfortable getting many people to hear your voice?
If your response is yes, then this kind of business might be suitable for you. There are a lot of benefits attached to being a YouTuber, its greatest advantage is making money.
Also, being a YouTuber will make you gain popularity all over the world. There are thousands of ways to make money online globally, one such is being a YouTuber.
Today, I share with you things you need to know about making money on YouTube. Many people have been asking how much can you really make as a YouTuber in Nigeria as well as how to make money on YouTube.
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The fact behind making money on YouTube could really be the efforts put towards it.
Many people have been complaining about not being able to make money on YouTube, but I’d let you know that effort is required at your end.
YouTube is always open and ready to get your channel monetized as long as you’re able to meet their requirements.
Not meeting the requirements will always hinder your YouTube channel from getting monetized.
So let’s quickly dive into the main topic “How Much Can You Really Make As A YouTuber in Nigeria? – How To Make Money on Youtube”.

How Much Can You Really Make As A YouTuber In Nigeria?
The number question which beginners usually ask before venturing into YouTube is how much can you really make as a YouTuber in Nigeria? Followed by “how to make money on YouTube”.
Since you’ve determined to start your own YouTube channel, it’s essential you read this till the end to gain enough insight.
Below is the answer to “how much can you really make as a YouTuber in Nigeria”.
Making money on YouTube will depend on many factors, but the easiest way to make money is by selling your own products.
The amount of money most Nigerian YouTubers make will depend on the type and how many ways the channel is being monetized.
While some Nigerian YouTubers aren’t making a dime because of one or two reasons, we have some who make at least $100, $200, $300, $1000, or $5000 upward every month.
How To Make Money On YouTube In 2023
It has been mentioned earlier that there are various ways on how to make money on YouTube, and below are the ways most of those YouTubers make money.
1. Through Display Ads By Adsense
The first way 80% of YouTubers make money is through display ads by AdSense.
Adsense is a product owned by Google which enables publishers to make money while creating high-quality content.
It’s a product trusted and used by millions of publishers, this includes website owners and video content creators on YouTube.
However, for you to make money through YouTube you’ll need to get to the YouTube monetization level and adhere to their terms and conditions.
Indirectly, we can say Adsense is a YouTube partner because any YouTuber with quality video content is automatically eligible to apply and make money from Adsense on their Video content on YouTube.
Once you meet the requirements, your account will get approved and ads will start displaying on every video which belongs to you.
2. Through Affiliate Products
Another way on how to make money on YouTube to those asking How Much Can You Really Make As A YouTuber in Nigeria is through affiliate marketing.
This way, you may combine Adsense with affiliate marketing or base only on affiliate marketing.
However, you don’t need to wait until your views and subscribers reach a certain level but most if not all your video content will be based on product reviews.
Through Affiliate product reviews, you get paid directly by people for a particular product through the product affiliate link.
On every product sold through your affiliate link, you will earn a commission which can be cashed out when it reaches a certain amount.
However, combining Adsense with affiliate products review is a lot beneficial as you’re going to make money in multiple ways.
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3. Selling Your Own Product
The third way on how to make money on YouTube channels in Nigeria is by selling your own products.
This is the best way to make money on YouTube channels in Nigeria in 2023.
However, for this to work well for you, you must have thousands of subscribers.
The more the number of subscribers the higher the chance of selling your products.
Let’s take for example, you’re selling something that costs N20,000 and gets about 100 people to purchase from you.
I’m sure you know that’s a whopping two million naira through just your product review now, combining the money you’ll be making on Adsense and affiliate products review.
You’re making a huge amount of money already.
4. Accept Sponsorship For Your Video Contents
Lastly, another way on how to make money on YouTube channels is through sponsorship on your video content.
Most big companies are ready to make a deal with you for sponsorship, it’s a great opportunity because you tend to make even more money than those mentioned above.
For this to happen, you must have a large audience.
Rounding Up
YouTube is a great source to generate substantial income online.
You can make money through ads by Google Adsense, through affiliate marketing, by selling your own products, and by accepting sponsorship for your video content.
Note: Growing bigger as a YouTuber may take time, even a year but through your perseverance and consistency, you will know that truly it pays off.