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How To Invest 200k In Nigeria For Higher Returns

Where To Invest 200k In Nigeria and Make Millions Monthly

Some of the popular billionaire’s today not only make money from their businesses but through various ways both online and offline in which investment isn’t excluded. As Nigerians, we’re glutted with several investment opportunities all around. The very reason why many shun the idea of investment is due to fraudulent activities which usually get people ripped off their hard-earned and or life savings. Yet, investment is great for people who are willing to take a risk. However, if you are one of those who are willing to take a risk, then this topic “How to invest 200k in Nigeria for higher returns” is for you.

Take Note: Most of the many ways in which you can invest mentioned here are risk free and they all come with higher returns when done in the right way.

Whichever you choose to invest your money in, if not done right, it may yield no positive result.

Are you ready to explore How to invest 200k in Nigeria for higher returns in 2023? If yes, kindly read till the end.

How to invest 200k in Nigeria for higher returns
How to invest 200k in Nigeria for higher returns

How To Invest 200k In Nigeria For Higher Returns In 2023

Before getting involved in an investment that would definitely yield positive results, you don’t necessarily need millions of naira to do that, you can get involved with as little as 200k which would bring high returns. However, understand that the more you invest the higher the returns would be, also, if the money invested is too low, the returns would be low as well.

Now let’s explore how to invest 200k in Nigeria for higher returns.

Stock Investment

 Nerdwallet described the stock investment as the buying of shares of ownership in a company. 

The small shares are usually known as company’s stock, however, by investing in that stock you are expecting the company to grow and perform even better overtime.

Stock investors find it a lot beneficial investing in stocks because having shares with big companies could make them a fortune, sometimes more than they earn yearly on personal businesses.

There are many top companies in Nigeria which can get your income skyrocketing as a shareholder.

According to below is the list of top stock companies to invest in in 2023.

  1. Dangote Cement
  2. MTN Nigeria
  3. Nestle
  4. Zenith Bank
  5. Nestle Nigeria
  6. Seplat
  7. GTCO
  8. FBN Holdings
  9. Stanbic IBTC Holdings
  10. Lafarge Africa, etc.

These are the top companies you can invest in 2023.

Cryptocurrency Investment

Cryptocurrency Investment top the list in this article- how to invest 200k in Nigeria for higher returns.

As you might have known, cryptocurrency is a digital currency that isn’t decentralized by any government. In this…. article, I’ve discussed more on the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency.

Investing money in cryptocurrency is great but can you possibly bear the risk?

This is a question you must ask yourself before making a move to invest in it.

Although, this is an investment that has transformed the lives of many Nigerians to multi-millionaires, what about those who got their hard-earned money laundered by fraudsters disguised as real crypto traders?

But if I were you, I’d rather invest in those mentioned in number one or preferably those mentioned below.

Invest In Your Own Business

To be on the safer side, investing in your own business could be the best step you would ever take.

If you don’t have a business already the amount of 200k might not really be enough, yet, there are businesses that can easily start with less than 200k in Nigeria.

You don’t need to invest in external businesses (businesses that aren’t yours) if only you want to be on the safe side.

Apart from that, for those who want to partner with our brands, building your brand could be hectic work but it pays off and is worth giving the best of you.

Still thinking of businesses you can invest your 200k on?

You need nothing to worry about. I show you nothing but the top businesses you can invest your 200k on in this article.

What Are The Businesses You Can Invest 200k In In Nigeria?

Note: All the listed businesses in you can invest 200k in Nigeria mentioned here are all small businesses that have the potential to grow faster and bring higher profits in return.

 Importation Business

Importation Business has to do with importing goods from foreign countries down to your home country.

This is nothing but a profitable business that anyone can start with less than 200k provided such people have the right knowledge on how to get started.

In short, importing from China is more profitable because you’ll find quality products at a cheaper rate.

Poultry Farming

This is one of the top-rated businesses in Nigeria you can invest your 200k in Nigeria. 

The sum of 200k is enough to start poultry farming in Nigeria if you have farmland to breed the chicken.

In a short time, poultry farms have a high tendency of turning big just within 1-2 years if done right.


Another Important business that shouldn’t go without mention in this “How to invest 200k in Nigeria for higher returns” is blogging.

Blogging is actually an online business that has turned several Nigerians into millionaires due to the many ways available to make money from it.

We have many prominent Bloggers in Nigeria who have forum blogs, news blogs, finance blogs, movie blogs, and lots more.

You can also invest your money in blogging, though consistency and perseverance are much needed here because the amount of money you’ll make will be determined by the number of daily traffic.

The more visitors you have to your blog the more money you will earn through any means your website is being monetized.

Rounding Up On “How To Invest 200k In Nigeria For Higher Returns In 2023”

Most people think the only way they can invest in a business is by investing in other people’s products/businesses. This is wrong, money can directly or indirectly be invested in either your own business or in people’s businesses. It will yield good returns, however, as mentioned earlier, it’s always best to invest in your own business and build a brand. In this way, you may get people who are willing to invest in your own business as well.


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