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How To Make Money And Become Rich With Cryptocurrency In Nigeria Without Investing In 2023

Still on the look to make money online in Nigeria but found none? If yes, here’s an article about how to make money and become rich with cryptocurrency in Nigeria without investing.

You might have seen a lot of people making money in cryptocurrency but with huge investment, this article is provided to help you boycott investing in crypto and still make money which would definitely make you rich.

I have a relative who later found himself regretting today all because he refused to invest in cryptocurrency in the early time it got to Nigeria and even before the required money to invest was so cheap.

His thoughts were that any option to make money online is a scam but today I quoted him wrong.

There are a lot of legitimate ways to make money online in Nigeria in this modern age.

One of the surest and fastest way people becomes a millionaire in Nigeria is through cryptocurrency. 

However, this article which topic is all about “how to make money and become rich with cryptocurrency in Nigeria without investing” will walk you through everything important and believed you need to know before venturing into it.

Crypto Currency is a digital currency that is not decentralized by any government, its history could be traced back to the year 1980s and over the past few decades, it has grown to fame having many people investing in it every day of life.

Despite the fact that it isn’t decentralized by any government, it has become a global trading currency.

Pros & Cons Of Crypto Currency

Without being sentimental, I’ll show you both the advantages and disadvantages (reasons to use and not use cryptocurrency).

In some countries, cryptocurrency is seen as a legitimate digital currency, yet there are some other countries that banned the use of cryptocurrency, even other digital currencies.

Pros Of Using Crypto Currency

Below are some advantages of using cryptocurrency:

1. Decentralized

The very first advantage of using cryptocurrency is the fact that it’s not decentralized by any government.

 Instead, it’s a currency controlled by developers who have a significant amount. In this case, no one or any organization can actually determine its flow.

2. It Is Protected From Inflation

Many currencies have lost their value all because of inflation, this doesn’t apply to cryptocurrency.

Every day, the demand for cryptocurrency is increasing making it possible to always increase in value.

Con Of Using CryptoCurrency

Also, below are the disadvantages of using cryptocurrency:

1. Illegal Transactions

The very first reason which could make you shun the idea of ever investing in cryptocurrency is illegal transactions.

It’s known to all that the security of crypto transactions is on the high side, this makes it hard for the government to track users by their wallet address and or keep an eye on all user’s data.

Most people in cryptocurrency usually use it as a mode of payment which sometimes results in scamming.

2. It’s Vulnerable To Attack

The second reason people stop investing in crypto coin is that it’s still vulnerable to attack despite their high level of security.

Hacker’s still go an extra length to get access to users’ cryptocurrency accounts, this means once access is gotten, they would easily transfer users’ funds from their accounts to some crypto exchanging platform e.g Bitfinex, My Gox, etc.

How To Make Money And Become Rich With Crypto Currency In Nigeria Without Investing

You’ve taken a look at a brief note on what cryptocurrency entails, this includes its advantages and disadvantages. However, below is the main content on “how to make money and become rich with cryptocurrency in Nigeria without investing” you want to know.

1. Crypto Mining

Crypto Mining is the first among the steps on how to make money and become rich with cryptocurrency in Nigeria without investing.

Crypto mining entails solving cryptographic equations to the next block in a blockchain with the aid of a machine to earn money. 

This way, you need nothing to worry about concerning investment as you get compensation for the many problems you can solve.

You may consider making money free with crypto mining which involves a group of miners because it is faster.

How To Make Money And Become Rich With Cryptocurrency In Nigeria Without Investing
How To Make Money And Become Rich With Cryptocurrency In Nigeria Without Investing


Read: How To Start Investing In Bitcoin In Nigeria 2023

2. Become A Crypto Influencer

Another extensive way I’m which you can make money and become rich with cryptocurrency without any investment is to become a crypto Influencer.

There are many crypto mining platforms looking for people e.g influencers to help market their products in return for money.

If you’re someone who has thousands of followers on your social media accounts, you can stand as an Influencer to help market their crypto platforms to your audience.

3. Become A Crypto Blogger Or YouTuber

Lastly, you can become a crypto blogger or YouTuber. On daily basis, people are surfing the internet just to learn how to find their way into cryptocurrency, however, writing content related to cryptocurrency would give you a lot of traffic and make money in various ways e.g through advertising agencies, affiliate programs, selling your own products, etc.

The same applies to YouTubers, their video content is going to base on crypto and get monetized.


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