Crypto apps

How to Close, Delete or Deactivate your Quidax Account Easily 

Quidax is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that allows users to buy, sell, and store various cryptocurrencies. 

It was founded in 2018 and is based in Lagos, Nigeria. Quidax aims to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for individuals and businesses interested in trading cryptocurrencies.

One of the notable features of Quidax is its wide range of supported cryptocurrencies. The platform offers a diverse selection of digital assets, including popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), and many others. 

This allows users to have access to a variety of trading options within a single platform.

The trading platform offers multiple trading options to cater to different user preferences. 

Users can choose between instant buy/sell options for quick transactions or the advanced trading interface for more experienced traders. 

The platform also provides a mobile app, enabling users to trade on the go.

Quidax has been actively expanding its services and presence. 

It has partnered with various payment providers and banks to facilitate easy deposit and withdrawal options for users. Additionally, the platform has introduced features like a savings program, where users can earn interest on their cryptocurrency holdings. 

That’s all in a brief introduction to what Quidax and features are. 

However, the following process will show you how to close, delete or deactivate your Quidax account easily.

How to Close, Delete or Deactivate your Quidax Account Easily In 2023

How to Close, Delete or Deactivate your Quidax Account Easily 
How to Close, Delete or Deactivate your Quidax Account Easily

If you’re thinking or finally decided to close your Quidax account, it’s essential to understand the process and its implications. 

Quidax has specific requirements and procedures in place to ensure the security of your funds and protect your interests. Here’s what you should know on how to close, delete or deactivate your Quidax account easily:

Closure Request and Account Activity

To carry out the closure of your Quidax account, you need to submit a closure request through the Quidax Help Centre. Quidax will process the request under certain conditions:

Minimum Closure Amount

Quidax will action the closure request once the combined balance of your Local Currency and digital currency holdings in your Quidax Wallet(s) falls below the Minimum Closure Amount.

Inactivity Period

Your Quidax account must have had no transactions for a minimum period of 30 days. 

This requirement helps safeguard your funds and ensures that closure requests are valid and authorized.

Effect of Closure

Once your Quidax account is closed, it’s highly crucial for you to understand the consequences, the consequences are the following:

Loss of Access

You will no longer have access to your account. This means you won’t be able to log in, view your balances, or conduct any transactions.

Unnotified Digital Currency

Quidax is not obligated to notify you or provide any digital currency that is sent to receive addresses associated with your close Quidax account. 

Read: How to Close, Delete or Deactivate your Fairmoney Account Easily

It’s crucial to update your information with relevant parties to avoid loss of funds.

Deletion of Information

Quidax reserves the right, although not obligated, to delete all your information and account data stored on their servers.

However, they may retain certain information required for legal or operational reasons.

Remaining Funds

If there are any remaining funds in your Quidax Wallet(s) at the time of account closure, but the total amount is less than the Minimum Closure Amount, the following conditions apply:

Retention of Funds

Quidax will retain any remaining funds below the Minimum Closure Amount.

No Claim Rights

You accept and agree that you will have no further claim to these remaining funds. Please do consider this before proceeding with the closure of your account.

Minimum Closure Amount

The Minimum Closure Amount represents the threshold below which Quidax retains any remaining funds. 

It is set at USD 10.00 or the equivalent in your Local Currency. 

Be aware that this amount may vary based on fluctuations in exchange rates.

Liability and Disclaimers

By closing your Quidax account, you accept and acknowledge the following:

Limited Liability: Quidax shall not be liable to you or any third party regarding the closure of your account, termination of access, or deletion of information or account data.

Operational Retention: Quidax may retain certain information if required for legal or operational reasons, even after the closure of your account.

Once you have known and understand the implications and requirements for account deactivation, then you can proceed to the Quidax Help page and request for account deactivation. 

Your Quidax account should be deactivated within 24 hours.

FAQs On How to Close, Delete or Deactivate your Quidax Account Easily

Here are some helpful frequently asked questions on How to Close, Delete or Deactivate your Quidax Account Easily

Is Quidax available worldwide?

Yes, Quidax is available to users worldwide. 

However, certain services or features may be subject to regional restrictions due to regulatory requirements.

What cryptocurrencies can I trade on Quidax?

Quidax offers a diverse range of cryptocurrencies for trading. Some popular options include Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), and many others. 

The available cryptocurrencies may vary over time as new ones are added or removed.

How can I deposit funds into my Quidax account?

Quidax provides various deposit options depending on your location. 

These options may include bank transfers, debit/credit card payments, and other payment processors. 

Once logged into your account, you can navigate to the deposit section to view the available deposit methods and follow the instructions provided.

How can I contact Quidax customer support?

If you need assistance or have any questions, you can reach out to Quidax’s customer support team through their website or platform. 

They usually provide a support email address, live chat option, or a dedicated support ticket system to address user inquiries.

Does Quidax have a mobile app?

Yes, Quidax offers a mobile app for both iOS and Android devices. 

The mobile app allows users to trade and manage their cryptocurrencies on the go, providing a convenient and accessible experience.

Are there any fees on Quidax?

Quidax charges fees for various services, including trading fees, deposit/withdrawal fees, and other transaction-related charges. 

The specific fee structure can be found on their website or platform. 

Is Quidax regulated?

Quidax operates under regulatory guidelines and compliance requirements in the jurisdictions it serves. 

They strive to adhere to relevant regulations and implement necessary measures to ensure a secure and compliant trading environment.

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